Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day

I would like to say that I don't get caught up in all of the Valentines Day hoopla. I think that would be a lie. When Hubby and I were dating, and before we had kids we'd always go out. After kids it was a homemade dinner on some Valentine themed melamine plates and whatever flowers he picked up from Central Market. Nothing too extravagant, but always acknowledged.

But this year is a little different. I prepared! I've actually found some really cute printables that I just adored and framed them around the house*. My favorites that I found on some blogs are these: 
You can find the free printable here. Then I also added another version of the same verse.
I don't know how they made them, but I'm sure glad they did! The second printable can be found here.    

To add a little whimsy in the kitchen I added a couple of different conversation hearts and a little something else. Here goes:

I love the blog Iheartnaptime.net. It always has incredibly cute ideas to share. That's where I got the "Be Mine always & forever" printable. Who could resist this blog just because of the title?

My kids Valentines were even DIY this year! I saw something on Pinterest and had to give it a try. It was a bunch of crayons cut up and put in a silicone heart shape mold. I went to Michaels, Hobby Lobby, and then finally found the right size mold at Joann's Craft Store. The girls had fun helping me.

Some of my favorites were these:
I found the directions and a free printable to attach them here. Just think. Yes chocolate is good to receive, but when every single kid will be bringing it to school and handing it out? Here's a creative way to be in the Valentine spirit and not have my kids bouncing off the wall later. 

We'll even start off the day with some pink chocolate chip pancakes and a side of heart shape cereal. I'll put some fruit off to the side to even things out. 
Did you know that this even existed?

Why not make the ordinary, extraordinary?!

So this year we have some framed printables around the house. A fun breakfast is planned. And we'll have a special dinner on our Valentine themed malamine. We made our own Valentines to hand out. What could be around the bend for next year?  Love is in the air from sun up to sun down!                                                                                      

*Every other week frames are half off at Hobby Lobby, so I got them for almost dirt cheap!                      

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