We finally finished week one of frugal living. It wasn't THAT bad.
The good parts:
*I only went to the store ONE time. The weeks with daily trips to the store was grating on my last nerve. We used what we had.
*We had dinner at home every night.
*Money stayed in my wallet.
*Most things I bought at Aldi were as good as name brands, if not a little better.
*Our lunch on Friday was covered by a Genghis Grill gift card that Hubby received for his birthday.
Unfortunately, we blew through almost all of our $50 entertainment budget on Saturday. Our oldest had a friend sleepover, while the youngest had an 8:00 volleyball game. I couldn't muster getting up early enough to take a shower AND cook breakfast. So donuts it was! Then after the game, we went out for a REAL breakfast with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Saturday night Hubby took the girls to the Daddy/Daughter Sweetheart Dance and he had covered the cost of the tickets with some of his birthday money. Sunday lunch was covered by the church in appreciation of the children's Sunday School teachers*.
The entertainment budget will have to be re-aligned.
Week two has started off with both of us getting gas. My car was $52. I'm not sure what Hubby's gas bill was. I made a trip to Aldi once again and spent $79. Plus, I went ahead and used the grocery budget to cover our idiot, sock-pooping dog's heartworm/flea pill. That was $26.
We made our own Valentines this year instead of buying them.
We had a lot of fun making them! Hubby and I might take advantage of some Pappas gift cards we have for lunch on Valentines Day. Pappas was running a special if we bought a certain amount of gift cards we would receive "bonus" gift cards as well. Hubby needed them to give to some of his team members after working some horrendous hours back in December. Thankfully, Hubby's boss said to expense them.
So bring on week 2!
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