There was rain in our forecast, so Hubby and I were thrilled*. Bring it on! With the temperature drop, we thought of all the things that we have needed to do since the last winter**. Night has come upon us and all the dishes are put away. We're still waiting on the rain.
There's a baseball game on the tv, that I'm not quite interested in, but Hubby is***.
Then the rain starts. Finally. It was glorious! At least two hours of a good soaking. I grabbed my favorite blanket and headed outside. The covered patio provides protection from the rain, but I enjoy the sounds.
My life is not complete if I can't enjoy a little music whenever I'm alone. So I turn to my favorite (and fitting) playlist****.
Rain, please don't be such a stranger!
*The ground is dryer than the Sahara at this point, and we'll take all the rain we can get.
**Buy hot cocoa. Clean out the fireplace(still!).
***Tampa Bay Rays knocked out our Rangers. So we were rooting for Boston.
****My life IS complete, don't get me wrong. But I enjoy music as much as I can. And when the moment calls for some John Coltrane and Miles Davis, I'm gonna have it!
We say the same about weather in London. When we have our meetings at, it's always raining. Then guys name our meeting "wet meetings", as we get wet all the time))