There was rain in our forecast, so Hubby and I were thrilled*. Bring it on! With the temperature drop, we thought of all the things that we have needed to do since the last winter**. Night has come upon us and all the dishes are put away. We're still waiting on the rain.
There's a baseball game on the tv, that I'm not quite interested in, but Hubby is***.
Then the rain starts. Finally. It was glorious! At least two hours of a good soaking. I grabbed my favorite blanket and headed outside. The covered patio provides protection from the rain, but I enjoy the sounds.
My life is not complete if I can't enjoy a little music whenever I'm alone. So I turn to my favorite (and fitting) playlist****.
Rain, please don't be such a stranger!
*The ground is dryer than the Sahara at this point, and we'll take all the rain we can get.
**Buy hot cocoa. Clean out the fireplace(still!).
***Tampa Bay Rays knocked out our Rangers. So we were rooting for Boston.
****My life IS complete, don't get me wrong. But I enjoy music as much as I can. And when the moment calls for some John Coltrane and Miles Davis, I'm gonna have it!