Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cheap & Easy

No, silly. I'm not describing me. Not in the least. Just ask Hubby! 

This school year I've recently gone back to work full-time. I've forgotten how much time I had on my hands since going back to work. Time is fleeting. But for Thanksgiving we actually got an entire week off. I am thankful. Grateful. And blessed. 

There was one project I knew I had to get done before the week was over. This had been on my list since last Christmas and the Advent season. I was tired of my scrawny candles in their crappy holders. See what I mean:

I couldn't stand to use these for one more year. Let me also get off my chest that I am a Pinterest fanatic! I found some great ideas for advent candles. This one had to be my favorite. So during the week I ventured off to a local craft store. I was kid free and I had my list in hand. Finding the terra cotta pots was a little difficult. And I'm not one to venture to six different stores to get exactly what I need. Substitutes are our friends! 

This is what I came up with instead:

Chalk is one of the latest trends going right now. Why not? I got my project (including candles) done for under $15. 

Is this post earth shattering? Nope. But it's a small thing to get my house and the people in my house (that I love dearly) in the season of anticipation of the coming birth of our Lord & Savior.