Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Be Careful What We Wish For

A few weeks ago we were traveling in the car. I'm not sure why or how the subject came up, but we were talking about President Obama. My oldest says from the back, "I wish he would die". My heart sank at that moment. I may not agree with any of his policies, but I definitely don't wish for his demise from this earth.

I thought to myself, he is a man just like my Hubby. He has a wife and two young daughters. He is trying to do what he believes is the right thing for this country*. Granted, my Hubby isn't leader of the free world, but that could only be a matter of time**. Like my Hubby, he is surrounded by family and friends that love him. In just a couple of short years he will go back to private life. 

I once saw someone*** on facebook refer to him as Satan. Are you kidding me? People give him way too much power and credit when he is referred to in that way. I've read the Bible. I know what Satan can do, and Obama comes nowhere near. He is a mere mortal like the rest of us. Why should we sink to the level of the people who would refer to President Bush as Hitler and burn him in effigy? 

I quickly corrected my daughter about wishing people would die. I asked her how she would feel if someone said that about her father. 

I love my daughters and wish for them to come into their own strengths and viewpoints where politics are concerned. Not to just follow their parents like sheople in a herd. We should pray for the office of President. Whether we agree with who is in that office or not. We can pray for change. We can vote change. 

*don't get me started. 
** ;) one can dream right? He sure would be great at it. 
****on most days she is certifiably CRAZY.


  1. "...wish for them to come into their own strengths and viewpoints where politics are concerned. Not to just follow their parents like sheople in a herd."

    Love this!
